Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring Break

Happy Spring Break!!!
We decided to take a small family vacation to Fairmont Hot Springs. We had an awesome, relxing time.
Here are a few highlights:
  • Little Dude decided to use the room safe to lock his water bottle in. He forgot the code on the second day! Housekeeping will have a small surprise!
  • Little Dude managed (who knows) to drop his sock in the toilet, of course, (insert duh) there was pee in the toilet! 
  • On our first night is snowed and we woke up to about two inches of snow and temps in the 20s.
  • Of course, I managed to get a small sunburn----
  • The Hubs took a hilarious llama selfie--- I don't know why it is so funny, but it is just hysterical.
  • On the way home we went to Butte to consume a Dude favorite, Wop Chop. Yeah, Butte isn't known for political correctness... Wop Chop is a porkchop sandwich.
Here is the photo evidence
He was moving and being silly... totally out of character.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Reality Check

Conversation with myself--- no, not outloud!

Ohhhh, I should get some of these ABC fridge magnets--- This is going to be fun!--- We will leave messages to each other--- Fun, Fun, Fun!

Then---- SMACK---- reality check!