Saturday, September 15, 2012

Physics and Possible Brain Damage

I'm not sure if it is possible to die from Physics, although I am sure there is an equation for that. I'm starting to question my sanity------ Yes, just starting----- the 90's don't count as I was a teenager and by definition they are nuts!

To add insult to my injury (which might be some form of brain damage that the medical establishment denies) resident Teenager understands and likes Physics! I swear, whatever minuscule amount of Physics knowledge I had, he sucked it out of my brain via my uterus! He owes me.


Monday, September 10, 2012

I Don't Advise It

Resident Little dude spent an evening in the ER, complete with IV due to a nasty stomach virus.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gotta Love a Grandma

Today is my Grandma's birthday.  She would have been 83.  She passed away 3 years ago.  I miss her.  She was more than a Grandma to me; she was my surrogate mom as my mom was killed when I was 9.

Happy Birthday, Grams!