Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Open Apology To My Physics TA

Let me just apologize for... Everything! You have to grade my test, which will be a Herculean task. I read all of the questions and I did my best, yet, you will wonder why I answered the way I did. Apologies! My ray diagrams look like a kindergartener, with a severe case of ADD, drew them. Apologies! Be kind when you look at my circuit diagrams. I know that my drawings are off, but I think my calculations are on. At least the drawings will provide comic relief! Apologies! You only have two more weeks to put up with my endless questions. Of course, then you have to grade my final! A cumulative Physics final--- Hells Bells! My blanket apology covers the final too.

I am frustrated, confused, tired and I am breaking out! Physics---- answers to the wonders of the Universe, reduces adults to tears, brings on fits of hysterics, and provides for wonderful stressed induced acne.

Dear TA none of this is your fault. Personally, I blame Carl Sagan. Take my sincere apology...