Sunday, February 17, 2013

All Days Blended Together


All of my days seem to blend together. I guess I knew this would happen during my last semester at the University before I student teach --- yeah, I wasn't prepared!

Between Little Dude's ER visit, Resident Teenager's trip to the State swim meet, and last Friday night spent at a middle school dance--- I write lesson plans, fill out paperwork and READ.

Don't get too jealous of my exciting life!

I saw 1 Christmas tree--- still decorated.

I saw 2 people wearing leggings as pants. I can't wait for this trend to die!

I saw one guy wearing homemade gaucho pants....

It snowed.

It rained.

Thankfully, a cruise IS NOT in my future!


Friday, February 8, 2013

What I Learned This Week

Resident Little Dude ended up in the ER Wednesday night. He had a fainting episode/seizure. It was absolutely awful! He bumped his head on shelving in our bathroom. After hours in the ER and a follow-up with our GP, we don't know why this happened. All of the scary scenarios were ruled out; he had every medical test known to man. Poor kid. He was so scared on the way to the ER.

Resident Little Dude: Dad, can I ask you something?

The Hubs: Anything.

Resident Little Dude: IF I need an organ transplant would you give me one of your organs?

The Hubs: Of course, sweetie!!

Resident Little Dude: Thanx, Dad!

Bless his heart!

I think that my heart stopped when I saw him laying there, unresponsive, on the bathroom floor. It was one of the longest nights of my life... The Hubs and I are completely exhausted. For now our sweet Little Dude is back to normal. In true fashion, he was thrilled to see his brain on the CT scan!!!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend With The Dudes: Attack of Mucus

This photo sums up the weekend. Resident Little Dude fell during the week sporting a high fever for two days then Resident Teenager fell and had to miss swim practice because he couldn't breath. Ah, the memories!

The Hubs and I had breakfast out which was wonderful after a week back at the work gulag AKA teacher prep program.

Costco was a tad nuts, but we were in and out in less than an hour--- Success! I think that Target was more crowded than Costco. Why do I even go shopping on Saturday? I must review this!!!

To round out the weekend, Resident Teenager had to watch a movie in Spanish to make up for the two days that he will miss (Spanish III) while he attends the State Swim Meet... Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom in dubbed Spanish--- don't be envious!

And it is February... Holy Hell Batman!


Friday, February 1, 2013

What I Learned This Week

Reality is a tough pill to swallow.

Falling twice in one day on the same knee makes for a purple and green bruise.

One more week of early morning swim practice.

1 Christmas tree on the trip to early morning practice.

Teachers are super heroes!

If I hear the word pedagogy one more time I might strip down to my under-roos and run around town!

One week down... 15 to go.