Resident Little Dude ended up in the ER Wednesday night. He had a fainting episode/seizure. It was absolutely awful! He bumped his head on shelving in our bathroom. After hours in the ER and a follow-up with our GP, we don't know why this happened. All of the scary scenarios were ruled out; he had every medical test known to man. Poor kid. He was so scared on the way to the ER.
Resident Little Dude: Dad, can I ask you something?
The Hubs: Anything.
Resident Little Dude: IF I need an organ transplant would you give me one of your organs?
The Hubs: Of course, sweetie!!
Resident Little Dude: Thanx, Dad!
Bless his heart!
I think that my heart stopped when I saw him laying there, unresponsive, on the bathroom floor. It was one of the longest nights of my life... The Hubs and I are completely exhausted. For now our sweet Little Dude is back to normal. In true fashion, he was thrilled to see his brain on the CT scan!!!
Glad he is ok! Tell him I asked him how his brain looks!!?? Boys are something else!