While reading the Guardian I came across this article. I promptly read it, I can't pass up a good uterus graphic... I mean who can? Very thought provoking-----
Amazingly, I know about the Golden Ratio as I am somewhat obsessed with Fibonacci numbers. This is further proof that Maths (I am feeling slightly British today) are EVERYWHERE! I mean, even a uterus can't escape the powerful grips of Maths! Stranger still--- how does one decide to measure 5,000 uteruses/uteri (both forms are correct plural usage, I checked!)?
Can you imagine the dinner conversation?
Wife: How was your day?
Dr Gyno: Oh, you know same as usual, measuring uteri/uteruses to see if they fit the Golden Ratio.
Wife: That's nice. More wine?
You know on CHarlie Brown when his teachers is talking??? THat is all I heard as I read this.