Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Way of The World

4am Resident Little Dude gets up with a 101.8 fever and states that vomit is imminent!

4:40am Wake-up and take Resident Teenager to swim practice. He is going to State as an alternate, so the early morning saga continues.

5:30am Get ready to hop in the shower and realize I am wearing Halloween socks...


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Days of Sloth---- OVER

Okay, so I spent a month slothing around--- Those days are over!!  Ahhh, the memories!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend With The Dudes

Resident Teenager left uber early Saturday morning for the last swim meet of the season. The highlight--- he won his 100 breaststroke heat. I am really going to miss my 4:40 am alarm.

The Hubs, Resident Little Dude and I went to visit my mother-in-law for the morning. Watching people you love age---- She seemed so frail.

Why do I attract a parade of idiots at a round-about? People, yield to traffic in the circle... Nothing in the circle? Get the hell into the circle! It is a round-about--- not world peace negotiations!

I am Quasimodo thanks to sleeping on my neck wrong. I spent most of the weekend alternating between heating pad, cold pad, and icy-hot. Yep, I smell like and old man and look like a hunchback--- Sexy!

Friday, January 25, 2013

What I Learned This Week

My new semester starts Monday and I am nervous!

PMS.  Why does my uterus hate me?

Teenagers don't appreciate it when you sing YMCA and do the actions while cooking french toast.

Freezing rain is worse than snow for lunatic drivers.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Weekend With The Dudes--- Holiday Edition

We spent 6 hours, yes, 6 hours, at Resident Teenager's swim meet. Wow, it gets pretty warm and humid. My sister came clad in a huge cowl neck sweater--- lesson learned! Resident Teenager did well; his form is much improved.

This is how the swimmers remember their event, lane and heat. They are all covered in Sharpie!

He even came up to the stands for a visit and food--- mostly food.

Resident Little Dude--- yeah, six hours in an ungodly amount of time to sit in the bleachers. Mostly we entertain him with snacks and the Ipad, but since my sister showed up he had a partner in crime. Plus, he sweet talked her into a concessions trip!

I didn't realize that red and black faux python pants we making a comeback from 1984, but I assure you one of the parent volunteers sported them. I told The Hubs I was getting him a pair for his birthday! Of course, a 6ft mountain man should wear red and black faux python pants...

We had 5pm dinner reservations for swim meet sister's birthday. So, after the meet we headed over to the restaurant. As we are sitting there I get a phone call from said sister:

Me: What's up?

Sister: Mom and Dad just left...

Me: Are you kidding?

Sister: I have to change the reservation...

Me: We are already here waiting...

UGGHHHHHHH! What is wrong with my parents? They live an hour away.... Swim meet sister reschedules the reservation. When we get back to the restaurant she is waiting and my parents take an additional 30 minutes to get there. And my brother was late because he fell asleep--- later than my parents. Happy Birthday...

In the mean time, my family ordered. The food was amazing as usual!

Resident Little Dude has flair with food!

The rest of the holiday weekend we spent catching up from Saturday and the usual mundane business that keeps a family running.


Friday, January 18, 2013

What I Learned This Week

I am allergic to Matt Lauer.

I dribble toothpaste on myself every freaking morning!

One batch of butter cookies doesn't last long with The Dudes.

1 illuminated Christmas tree on the trek to morning swim practice.

Teenagers exhibit a tough exterior, but deep inside resides the sweet baby you spent innumerable hours rocking.

God Bless the BBC!

I sound exactly like Pat Benatar, Love is a Battlefield, when I sing in the shower with a curly head full of conditioner!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

This Just In

Lance Armstrong lied

Lindsay Lohan back in court

Danica Patrick divorcing

Who cares?  This is news?  Ughhhh--- we are doomed!!!

Remember when NEWS was news?  Remember one news program--- nightly--- not 24/7?  Obviously, I am channeling my inner grizzled old miner!  Why can't NEWS actually consist of news?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend with The Dudes

The return of winter meant that it was 4 degrees yesterday morning! Yowza!! I had a bacon quiche and The Hubs had a breakfast burrito at Buttercup Cafe sans Resident Little Dude! Resident Teenager enjoyed a day off from swim practice or meets!

I learned that the best time to venture to Costco is 9:30 am on a Saturday at 9 degrees! We had run of the place. The only hiccup was a RUDE couple that thought it appropriate to unload a belt full of items while running about--still shopping! The husband didn't have his Costco card, so the cashier had to wait for the wife--- taking her sweet time shopping and chatting with folks along the way. Kudos to the cashier who refrained from snarky comments, evil stares, and murder.

Resident Teenager doesn't feel well.... And he has finals upcoming. Not a good thing!

I went to the salon to get a cut and color--- I usually find this relaxing, but not yesterday. I am evil, plain and simple.

Out of The Mouth of Dudes

Resident Little Dude:

Worksheets cause Math Fever!

I can multi-task!

Yestermorrow- 2days from now.

RLD: I finally cleaned all the crap off my desk! I got tired of looking at it!

Me: Oh, what did you do with it?

RLD: I put the crap in my desk.

Me: What are you going to do when you need to put stuff in your desk?

RLD: Oh, there is plenty of room for more crap!

Resident Teenager:

I was pouring my heart out to The Dudes, mostly The Hubs, about my grey hairs----

RT: Your hair will still be grey when you dye it, just to let you know.

Me: Thanx...

The Hubs consoling me while trying to inform Resident Teenager about ladies and grey hairs.

RT: He is defending your flawed logic.

Yep, some animals eat their young!

Resident Little Dude's desk sans crap!



Friday, January 11, 2013

What I learned This Week

You can get your monthly in a box from The box provides your monthly tampons, pads, and chocolate--- add wine please.

I need a new eye cream--- read one that actually does something.

Teen Mom, waxed her 3 year old's unibrow.

Sometimes a dental evaluation is free, sometimes it is $94.

4 illuminated Christmas trees on the way to swimming practice.

One day it is 47 and the next day it is a winter wonderland.

Sometimes you have a bad hair day and sometimes you have a bad face day.

I should clean out my makeup bag more than once a year.

16 days left until I go back to school.

Girls as young as 8 are routinely married in Yemen, India, and Sub Saharan Africa.

"Going Commando" NOT what you want to know about someone.

The ability to drive in snow has nothing to do with either a penis or four wheel drive.

Our Hyundai dealership ROCKS!


Ehhh, Not Today


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter Returns


From the Mechanic

I went to the Hyundai dealership yesterday so they could test my airbag light. Evidently, the sensor needs to be reprogrammed. To reprogram the sensor the driver's seat must come out and go to the factory. WHAT??? Is this normal for all cars? I am waiting to hear back from the dealership; we are hoping that Hyundai will cover the cost. How much does it cost to ship a car seat? I didn't even know this was a possibility.
To add insult to injury my purse broke. One person will be happy about this sad development--- my brother-in-law. My sister has a similar purse in bright pink--- he hates it! He won't be seen with the bag--- yeah, he likes it that much. We bought them at the same time--- death is pending.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Why Do I Try Samples?

I guess this is a spin-off of my cheapness, but I LOVE beauty samples!  Shampoo sample--- Sold  Anti-aging lotion sample--- Sold  Conditioner sample--- Sold  You get the picture!  I sign up for samples that I have no intention of buying their full-size cousins.  I brought a roll of TP home from the fair!!  Hey, it was free and the Roto-Rooter guys were handing them out.  I hear you, I hear you--- So what?

Well as much as I love samples, most products don't love me!  I have naturally curly hair.  When the shampoo sample says all hair types it means all hair types except curly headed people!  My skin is SENSITIVE, it always has been.  As I near the big 4-0 it gets even stranger.  I have hormonal breakouts, dry patches, and I am trying to keep wrinkles at bay.  When the anti-aging lotion samples declares "perfect for all skins," it means all folks but the sensitive freaky skin people!  Does this keep me from trying the sample?  Hell no!  I try it and then I pay the consequence!  Dry brittle afro hair and a funky allergic face rash--- sexy.

Obviously, I am a slow learner.  

Everytime I see a Clarisonic I think that I need it--- Holy Hell Batman!  I would end up in Emergency if I used that!!!  An esthetician used it on  me during a facial and I had to ask her to stop...  

I still get samples; I might even make The Hubs sign up for Target beauty bags on Facebook--- I shun the Facebook because I have enough crazy drama in my life.  I try the samples that look the most benign and I pass the rest out to friends and classmates.  I get free stuff and I give gifts and I don't get rashes--- that often!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Because I am cheap

Yep, I am cheap. Not the bad kind of cheap where I ration TP or give you earrings that cause a rash--- the good kind of cheap. I want what I want, but I don't want to pay full price--- that kind of cheap.

Out of my entire family, two parents and eight kids, only two of use suffer from this affliction. Of course, we don't think that it is an affliction!:) We like to say that we are thrifty and we throw around the word budget a lot. At least my sister and I have each other to blather on and on to! Our families owe the other a debt of gratitude!

I love Greek yogurt because it is thick and I trick myself into thinking it is a dessert. What I don't like it paying out of the nose for it. It is yogurt! So, I decided to make my own. Take whatever yogurt you like, this happens to be lemon. Line a sieve with cheesecloth, I used a coffee filter. Cover with cling film and viola, the whey, like Little Miss Muffet, will separate from the solid leaving a thicker yogurt.

I also bought a 6 lb. bag of pretzels at Costco. Of course we need 6 lbs. of pretzels--- a teenager snacks here.


I wonder if a predilection for cheapness is covered in the DSM?


Monday, January 7, 2013


When you live in a house of all Dudes, you learn to go with the flow. Case in point, I don't worry that my Dudes behead, de-arm, and reassemble Lego people. They put the heads and arms in neat orderly piles! Don't you love Santa Yoda---

Resident Teenager had a swim meet on Saturday (he shaved 4 seconds off his time); he left at 7am and got home at about 5:30. Resident Teenager usually watches Resident Little Dude while The Hubs and I go out for breakfast. So, by default Resident Little Dude gets a breakfast out on swim meet Saturdays.

The Hubs and I frequent two local places, Buttercup Cafe and Food For Thought. Buttercup is organized, beautiful, and clean--- with a limited yet delicious menu. Food For Thought is well--- a college hang-out with huge portions. We chose Food For Thought.

Resident Little Dude challenges himself a la Man vs Food to eat his huge breakfast when he dines at Food For Thought. I can't remember him ordering anything other than cinnamon french toast. Note to self--- get him to expand his choices. Of course he ordered cinnamon french toast. The french toast is HUGE! It also comes with a side order of breakfast potatoes. He eats the entire entree!!! "In the battle of Cinnamon French Toast vs kid--- Kid WINS!" he says with added fist pump for emphasis.

We made it to Costco by 9:30am. Saturday at Costco sucks, but if I can manage to get there early I don't want to run people over--- which is a good thing. I must say, Costco was the most calm it has been in a month! Holiday let down!!

Target stop by 10:15--- also eerily calm. The lady in front of us hit the after Christmas aisle! Her cart was full, she had a 7.5 ft tree in a box and a toddler--- displaced from the cart! I had ant-aging cream and replacement gloves for Resident Little Dude. I am thrilling!

Next stop Good Food Store for fruit, veg, and possibly two bottles of wine....

Home again home again to unload and watch football and Dude TV.

The commercials on Dude TV are so bizarre: Forever Lazy (adult leisure suit mates with fleece jim-jams), erectile dysfunction medicine, and the latest in male catheters--- delicate on sensitive skin, yet the commercial never says penis... highly informative!

We are all still in detox/denial from the holiday break. This week starts a full school/work week. I have to go to the dentist--- and the airbag light came on in my car--- Ugghh! So, I soothe the Dudes with Sunday breakfast because that is what I do!

A veggie omelette soothes the soul.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

What I Learned This Week

Daytime TV sucks

People actually care about Kim Kardashian, Jessica Simpson's baby weight/baby, and Hugh Hefner's wedding,

Digital Dead Sea Scrolls

Knitting ROCKS

Meggings--- leggings for men--- WTF?

Spock's mom's name is Amanda--- I think I live in a parallel universe

Kosher kitchens require 2 of everything

Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolution Time


I give you exhibit 1 and 2. Yowza! Time for resolutions!

  1. Clean desk. I guess I should include Resident Little Dude.
  2. Organize notebooks. I haven't looked in my bag since my Physics final... 2nd week of December!
  3. Get all calendars synched--- easier said than done.
  4. Read books without the words pedagogy, Common Core, or curriculum in them!
  5. Knit a special blanket for each one of my nieces.
  6. ENJOY life.
  7. Spend quality time as a family--- doesn't matter where or what.
  8. Sew duvet ties on the new down comforters.
  9. Cherish time with The Hubs, truly cherish.
  10. Learn to like exercise--- okay this delves into the realm of miracles.
  11. Deep clean, organize, and throw out.
  12. Try new things.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The care and feeding of Resident Teenager

4:40 AM... I say again 4:40 AM. That is our (mine and Resident Teenager) wake-up time on swim practice mornings. He scarfs down a half bowl of oatmeal, in his sleep, before we head to the pool. He swims until 7 AM and then The Hubs picks him up from the pool and drops him at high school. Of course, he is hungry at pick up. He is hungry all the time! What to do?

McMuffin knock-offs! Make ahead and freeze then defrost and reheat in the oven. Genius! My sister claims all glory for this because she found the recipe on Pinterest. She is delusional.... I make them--- I get the glory!!!!!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Reckoning

I just got back from taking Resident Little Dude down to the bus stop; it is a balmy 21 degrees.

Back to school today... not a pleasant morning at my house. Christmas break seemed short this year. I didn't realize until a few day into the holiday that the Dudes went back today.

Sleeping in until 7--- Gone! Star Trek marathons--- Gone! Hours long board games--- Gone! Snuggling with The Hubs--- Gone!

To make matters worse I am home alone... much like the holiday move but without the hijinks. Usually I take a winter class. Well, not this year as I am down to nothing to take. I have a methods block this spring and student teaching in the fall. So, I am off until January 28th! Holy Hell Batman---

I think the Dudes were starting to wear on each other---

Resident Little Dude (while moping around the house): Sigh sigh sigh

Me: What's wrong?

Resident Little Dude: He says that I can't play a game that I am playing.

Me: Ignore him and do what you want to do--- as long as your aren't destroying, operating, or fire is involved.

Resident Little Dude: Last time I disobeyed a direct order he used force.

So, maybe less Star Trek----

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Midnight Tales

The Hubs: There aren't three people that I would rather spend New Years with.

Me: And Elton John.

The Hubs: And Shakira.

Resident Little Dude eyes both of us while trying to wrangle maraschino cherries out of his Sprite.

Me: I can dance like Shakira--- (I proceed to do my best impersonation)

Resident Teenager: I must avert mine eyes!