Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Because I am cheap

Yep, I am cheap. Not the bad kind of cheap where I ration TP or give you earrings that cause a rash--- the good kind of cheap. I want what I want, but I don't want to pay full price--- that kind of cheap.

Out of my entire family, two parents and eight kids, only two of use suffer from this affliction. Of course, we don't think that it is an affliction!:) We like to say that we are thrifty and we throw around the word budget a lot. At least my sister and I have each other to blather on and on to! Our families owe the other a debt of gratitude!

I love Greek yogurt because it is thick and I trick myself into thinking it is a dessert. What I don't like it paying out of the nose for it. It is yogurt! So, I decided to make my own. Take whatever yogurt you like, this happens to be lemon. Line a sieve with cheesecloth, I used a coffee filter. Cover with cling film and viola, the whey, like Little Miss Muffet, will separate from the solid leaving a thicker yogurt.

I also bought a 6 lb. bag of pretzels at Costco. Of course we need 6 lbs. of pretzels--- a teenager snacks here.


I wonder if a predilection for cheapness is covered in the DSM?



  1. I'm not sure why but I'm scared to try greek yogurt...hmmmm...Maybe because I'm cheap and I'm affraid I'll like it!

  2. You will love it!! We are both cheap... it is on our DNA!
