Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's Day


Mother's Day is always bittersweet for me. For years I hated it after my mom died. I dreaded every hour of the day. Then I had the boys and homemade cards won me over. The best gift of all is spending the day with them. It doesn't hurt that they make dinner and do all the clean-up. I look forward to Mother's Day dinner all year. They usually make lemon shrimp pasta... Shhhh, I would settle for cereal as long as I don't serve it or clean it up! This year they went out on a limb and bought a fancy cake from Bernice's Bakery complete with buttercream frosting. I loved the frosting and the boys, Hubs included, scrapped it off! The fancy was lost on them, but not on me...

Resident Little Dude made me an owl in art. Isn't he cute?! I put him on my desk. Obviously, I named him Herbert. Yes, I name things, get over it.

Ha ha ha! Look at this awesome card that Resident Little Dude made. I am a fractal complete with curly hair, purse, and Coke Zero.

Dear Mom,

Thank you for being a good mom. I appreciate from the big things like carrying me in your womb for 9 months and rearing me in general, to the small stuff like buying delicious cheese dip. I want you to know that I do, in fact, love you and support you going to school. I think you are a great mom.

Love, Resident Teenager

Resident Teenager is beyond handmade cards. He bought one with glitter. He must know me. He really is a sweetie, underneath it all.


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