Saturday, July 21, 2012

Camping Round II

I know, I know, I have lost my mind, camping two weeks in a row! I blame it on the summer heat!

This weekend we endured a rainstorm, which is an understatement... It was more of a deluge! The lightening display was amazing to watch. Thankfully, our tents held. Thanx to me, purchasing an awning-shade-thingy we were able to hang out at the picnic table instead of huddling in our tent. I give myself full credit! This little awning stole the show, maybe I am a tad obsessed?




This is the best picture!! I must remember this face when he is being a surly teenager.

The only reason that camping is any fun at all is because The Hubs is a mountain man, which means he actually knows how to camp, unlike, say, me!

He thinks he is hilarious. He wears his sleeping bag stuff bag on his head----he calls it his night cap!


This sums up how we all feel this evening.



  1. Yikes! You must show is girl friends this picture in the future!!!

  2. And can you believe she got in the lake? Twice?
    Must be the end of the world! :)
    Notice no bathing suite pics tho....darn it....

  3. We have yet to do the camping thing cause hubs said it involves outdoors. What a shock to me, I thought camping was staying in a one star hotel!! I applaud you my friend!
