I wanted to learn to knit for years. There was just something about it that enticed me. So, I took at class at my LYS (local yarn shop). I was slightly disappointed when the teacher announced our foray into knitting would be a wash cloth... Jeez, didn't she know that I had lofty knitting dreams?? I took my needles (you use at least 2 when knitting) and cast on (get the loops on the needle to start). By about the third row I saw the brilliance in teaching wash cloths. Learning to knit has a high learning curve, providing lots of frustration and possible crying. I triumphantly finished my wash cloth, okay I might be somewhat of a perfectionist, I knitted two.
That was about two years ago. Since then I knitted scarves, hats, and cowls. I find knitting relaxing and Zen. I get into the knitting mode and my mind focuses on making my stitches. Honestly, I never thought I would get to the Zen point. I use knitting as stress relief and a time to just unwind. Who knew?!
I recently finished my largest project which is a wrap! This picture is before blocking (give it a good soak in a nicely scented wool wash. The purpose is to loosen and shape.)
Before blocking it had some lumps and bumps, which is typical.
The pins help to keep the desired shape while blocking.
Lumps and bumps----Gone!
This is the back view. I love the stripe sections!
One option for wearing, although probably NOT with a green flowered shirt.
Speaking for Zen knitting, this is a cowl that I knitted during my Spring finals! Ugghhh, I had a cumulative math final that about did me in. So, I turned to this cowl to undo the kinks in my mind! This cowl has a beautiful repeating stitch pattern (you guessed it the pattern repeats) and many options for wearing... again probably NOT with a green floral.
This is a fun wearing option, although I think I need to pull it up a bit because it looks like a boob tub!
This cowl had a strong blocking (really stretched it to open the lace pattern). I love the way the pattern turned out with this yarn.
Since hubs is having surgery in a few weeks I will turn to knitting while he is in surgery to keep my mind occupied! I decided to knit blankets for my 3 cutie nieces for Christmas. Yes, I said Christmas and it is only July. I warned you... I have perfectionistic tendencies------------
Her cute nieces <<<<<<<